This is such a fun skirt pattern. It is hard to tell from the photo, but all the squares are different sizes, some gathered, some sewn straight, etc. My daughter absolutely loves it!! I have made her two different variations and she wears them all the time. I have even had several teens and adults at church wanting me to make them one! lol It is the skirt from Portabellopixie called Analise. A few MAJOR points to make though. The pattern has FIVE misprints in it. I can't believe they didn't catch this in the editing, because it would be a nightmare to try and sew it the way it is printed. On step 5 of the left side, it should be piece #8 not #6. On step 8, it should be #6, not #8. On step 9, it should be #6, not #8. On the right side step on should read #12A instead of #7A and #12B instead of #7B.
Also, please note, it runs extremely long as a skirt. My daughter is a very tall 11 year old, around 5' 1". The skirt above was cut
exactly to the size 8 pattern! No variations. And I did NOT add the suggested ruffle around the bottom either.
Here it is in a size 2, on a 3 yr old, also without the suggested ruffle around the bottom and with an inch or two trimmed off the bottom:

I am not any way affiliated with the pattern designer, I just thought I would share a fun pattern. I hope you are having a great weekend!
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